October 22, 2012

Wedding Blog

This will personal blog where I share my stuff, but I have created a wedding blog so check it out!!



October 15, 2012


I am ENGAGED!!!! 

Lou and I went hiking on Saturday to his favorite camping spot and he proposed!!! 

I could not ask for a more perfect man to spend the rest of my life with!!

I am starting a wedding blog so as soon as it is ready I will post it on here so you can follow all my fun plans - hahaha!!


October 11, 2012


I have had a lot on my mind lately...
Mostly I need a job.
I have been out of work since the end of May.
My teaching contract was non-renewed.
I have not been able to find a teaching job.
I have not been able to find any job.
I have had a few interviews.
I have applied for well over 200 jobs.
I am frustrated.
I want to work.
I want to work where I am able to use my gifts.
I want to work at a place where I will make more than my unemployment.
I have been told I am not trying hard enough.
I have been told I don't want a job bad enough.
I have been told these things because I don't talk about it.
All I think about 24/7 is a job.
I don't want to talk about it anymore.
I have applied and applied and applied and applied.
And applied some more. 
I keep thinking about ways I can make money on my own.
Can I sell stuff online?
What can I make that others would want to buy?
It's hard.  Really hard.
I KNOW GOD has a plan for me.
I have to go through the valleys to see from the hills.
I am not alone in my job search.
It could always be worse.
I am not hungry.
(I could stand to not eat for a few days.)
I am not without a roof over my head.
I have clothes on my back.
I do not have health insurance, but I am not sick.
I can afford my medicines.
I still get my Sonic Route 44 Diet Coke every day.
I have gas in my car to get me where I need to go.
I have what I need.
It could be much, much worse.
I have some opportunities that I am very excited about.
Not enough to get me out of unemployment, but I won't lose any either.
I am thankful for that.
Just needed to vent for a few.
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord.  "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
Jeremiah 29:11

October 9, 2012

Keeping the Boys!!

My sister and brother-in-law went on a quick trip to the Bahamas, so my mom and I went down to keep my nephews.  Since I still don't have a job, I thought it would be a good opportunity to get out of the house and also to help my mom since the boys have a busy schedule!! 
We drove down Tuesday and picked up T from school and as soon as he saw "Ma Carole" he said her name and ran into her arms!  It was so precious!  He knew we were picking him up, but it was almost like he forgot and then when he saw her he was just so excited!!!  We ran home to unload the car and then went to pick up B at school.  I could not believe how much he has grown up and I just saw him a few weeks ago!! 
Here is a picture of T and I goofing off!
Wednesday was "Walk Your Child to School Day" and I walked B to school while he rode his scooter half way - I ended up carrying it the rest of the way to school and then back to the point where mom picked me up.  I am used to walking, so it was a good opportunity, but trying to keep up with a 7 year old on a scooter and keeping him away from the main road was not so fun, but we made it.  He was just ready to get to school that morning - haha!  Mom picked me up to take T to school and then mom and I got ready and went to lunch.  On Wednesday's the boys have swim lessons, so we had to run home, get them dressed and have a light snack and then head to the pool.  We were so impressed at how good they did! 
Thursday we dropped off the boys and I went for what needs to be my daily walk.  It was fun to go on a brand new route!  Mom and I went to a cute little restuarant on the town square and then to a cute little store that sells Vera!  Thursday night was much easier with little homework and no swim. 
Friday we took the boys to school, got ready, ran to eat lunch, and then headed to B's school for their Dragon Dash!  B ran all 4 laps and was 3rd in his class!! 
We had fun watching him and he was so happy!!
Here is B ready for school and the Dragon Dash!
 B finishing his first lap!
 Ma Carole and B
Me and B!
 I left Saturday to come home and mom stayed and headed to Texas for a quick trip with my sister and the boys!  I had such a good time getting to spend quality Aunt Liz time with them - I just love them so much and can't believe how much they have grown in a few months!! 

Closet Project!!

I am constantly CONSTANTLY changing my closet - always wanting to get it the way I want - but I am never happy - until now!  I decided I was finally going to raise the rails up so I could have more room on the bottom.  I thought this would be a piece of cake, but it definitely was not.  Little did I know that EVERY screw was in the wall with anchors.  And anchors are extremely hard to get out of the wall, and I learned the hard way. 
Here is the before picture...
Well I had already taken the rail off, but had not attempted the holder thingys...
I raised them up 7 inches - a random number, but it worked for me.  That way I could still put my shoe holders up at the top and be able to reach them.  I know my neighbors were loving the sound of me hammering holes in my walls (I am in a townhome and my closet backs up to their bedroom). 
It was a CRAZY job getting those hook things out, and to be honest, I didn't get them all out, so I had to compromise.  BUT, the next day I went to Home Depot to find extra anchors, but found something a little different, but it would definitely work. 
If you could have seen my bag of tools, you would have laughed!!  I had a ton of stuff out to use, because the holes in the wall had to be a certain size or the anchors either would not fit, or would be falling out, so it was a fun experience.  After I put the rails back up, I was able to hang up my clothes and then have space at the bottom to put up small shelving that I had used in my classroom to hold things.  My first attempt was to put up a shower curtain rod hanging with para cord from the original rail to add a bottom rail for clothes.  While it worked, it was not what I wanted, so I cut that down and put them on the other rail.  So in the end, I am VERY pleased!!  I feel like I have so much more room to store what I need to in my closet and it not feel so cramped!  Who knew that raising the rails up would make such a difference!! 
Here are the after pictures.  I do have a lot of clothes, but I have put on a bunch of weight and many of them don't fit, but they will!!!



So there it is.  Nothing really exciting, but I am happy!!

October 6, 2012

Coming Up...

I will have a project I was working on posted soon, but I have been gone since Tuesday keeping my nephews with my momma so I haven't had a lot of time to post it - but I LOVE my project!!  Talk soon!
